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Pirbright Village Primary School
Poetry Slam - Winners
William - Best 17th Century Entry
Tio - Best Tear Jerker
Sophie - Best Alternative Language
Skylar - Best Acrostic
Samidha - Best Fantasy Animal
Poppy - Best Pet Involvement
Michael - Best Friendship Poem
Mia - Best Accompanying Video
Lily - Best Animal Poem
Laurie - Best Historical Rap
Laurie - Best Expression and Character Voicing
Joshua - Best Diction
Jasmine - Best Vivid Imagery
Hari - Best Rhyming Poem
Freddie - Best Performance Factor
Ewan - Best Smile & Enjoyment of their Poem
Erin - Best Nursery Rhyme
Ella - Best Recent History Composition
Edith - Best Inspiration from a Picture Book (2)
Edith - Best Inspiration from a Picture Book (1)
Eden - Best Dramatic Performance
Daniel - Best Food Inspired Poem
Amy-Beth - Best Pronunciation of Tongue Twisting Words
Agnes, Martha & Betty - Best Family Ensemble
Abeeha & Fatima - Best Topical